Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Two Things Bothering me That Have Nothing to do With What is Actually Bothering Me

* http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rape

It used to be… you would make a long distance phone call and you were the person paying for the long distance charge. And that was bullshit enough… you’re already paying for the phone service…. They want you to pay more because… the line goes all the way??? Fuck that…. The people that live THERE are paying for that goddamn line..  And now…..NOW the people on both ends of the phone pay for the call. Every call. I mean sure it depends on their plan but what the fuck?  Why don’t we all call bullshit on this? Why do we just accept it?  And why must I pay most of a dollar to read the text “OK” ?????? Am I being slapped around because I have idiot friends?

* http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/feminist

I’ve had it with young ladies claiming they are not feminists. I can’t even go to the place where I believe that they know what it means and actually hate themselves enough to proudly state it. I assume they’re ignorant and think “feminist” means “militant lesbian” and while this is also sad it’s slightly less maddening than the idea that they don’t consider themselves equal to men. Hell., I can’t even understand a MAN being willing to admit he’s not a feminist. SERIOUSLY? I don’t care how you feel about keeping the imaginary line between feminine and masculine a deep dark chasm, surely you can’t really think women shouldn’t be able to vote.. Or receive equal pay for equal work. Fucking idiots. 

September 08, 2009

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