Thursday, April 8, 2010

Paternal Doubts

“Mom.” Her eyes were huge with the gravity of her news. “I took a test today.. And…” She was looking at me like maybe I might want to consider sitting down for this. “There’s an eighty to ninety-nine percent chance that I’m half god.”

*begins tallying therapy bill*    “Wow. I didn’t want you to find out this way.”

“It’s sometimes called a demigod. My father is Poseidon.”

“What makes you so sure the god half is paternal? What about ME?”


“Of course if I were a god I wouldn’t be allowed to tell you. And I‘d need an elaborate mortal disguise.”

“Mom. It can’t be you because gods have to be separated from their children at BIRTH because of the smell.”

“The Smell?”

“Yes. The smell. Besides the test was very clear that my father is Poseidon.”

“Still… wouldn’t I know about it?”

“Not necessarily. That was a long time ago and maybe you forgot."

"It was a long time ago." 

April 08, 2010

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