Saturday, August 30, 2008

Front Loaders

I don't feel like writing writing. However I DO feel like posting. Funny how that can work. Why, you say? Why post when I have nothing to post?  Cause our friend Who Wants to Dust Anyway can no longer read blogs during the week. *group groan* I'm also considering messaging her my blog m-f. A courtesy for long time readers. I might even add things in parenthesis to amuse her. Like this:  (FU boss who turns off blogs!) The only thing stopping me is my laziness and self-centered holedness and spending all my free time making up words.

Plus I'm trying to snap out of my mood, another good reason to post. Of course that means shove it down deep waaaaaay deep so that I can continue my duties as Ms.  OH OHOH! Almost wrote my name there. ALMOST. So let's get this random on the road before I start making textual sketches of my face. I was thinking I might tell you all the reasons you might not want to be The Man. Or live with me. Or whatever.

Just cause today I went on a rant about how obnoxious front-loaders are and how the entire world is insane for liking them (seriously I've never dropped so many clean wet clothes on the floor in my life) and The Man said "Oh NOW you say something about the new washer and dryer - I've been waiting weeks for you to say something ANYTHING about the new washer and dryer and of course when you finally do it's a complaint" actually I don't think he used that many words.. That would be out of character but trust me, he meant all of them.

"All I'm trying to say is that contractors or SOMEBODY should start building a fucking shelf to put these on because it's a JOKE that they're selling the shelves separately. These are built for gnomes! GNOMES!"

"Well, I thought you wanted the front loaders so I got you the front loaders and this is the first thing you say about it"

So I said "OOOOOHHH! The washer and dryer are a gift for me! Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you I'm just so fucking bowled over with your generosity in purchasing two new appliances so that I might better serve you!"

And he said "well you could have said something."

"I did say something. I'm positive I said something. I probably said wow, look at that you went and bought a new washer and dryer, look how shiny they are. Or something. But clearly I didn't say enough. I had no idea you cared about the stupid washer and dryer. Why would I think they were a personal gift?"

"I don't care about the washer and dryer!"

"Oh come on now… you do care…" I started to caress the new machines. "OH! Oh wow, that is nice! My gawd, this is the best damn washer I've ever humped in my life!"

yah. I humped it. Don't worry - it was easy, it's a front loader.

And cut scene. So it got me thinking. I might not be as fabulous to be around as I thought! I might be a raving lunatic who doesn't even act suitably impressed when people bring home shiny brand new appliances.  And also, that's pretty fucking funny that he puts up with me anyway!!!


(in no particular order because when it comes to evil there really is no lesser)

*oh… well would you look at that … we're out of room.

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