Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A Clunk in the Night

Around two am I decided I better get to bed. I've found I need at least six hours of sleep to keep the cranky Mama from rearing her ugly head and refusing to maintain the household in the clumsy style we've all grown fond of. Little Man was already ensconced in the big bed. It had been extremely humid that day and that's the only room with air conditioning.

Plus I'm a sucker. When he says "No Mama, night night room!"  followed by the head tilt with plaintive beseeching brown eyes and that mop of yellow copper hair and a super sweet "Peeeeeaaaas!" and then emphatic pointing toward our room I don't have a chance. Still, in the interest of getting the full benefit of the six hours I had left to sleep I thought I might be able to transfer him to his own bed if I made sure there weren't toys on it first.

Lil' Dew's door was open and seeing that reminded me that she had her window wide open, letting in the cool night air and I climbed up on her bed to slide it shut and lower her blinds. In Little Man's tiny room I flipped the light on, adjusted the pillow on his tiny toddler bed until it was just so and flipped his comforter down before I quietly turned the door knob on the door to the master bedroom and eased it open. He sat up immediately as though he had been waiting for me.

"Hi Mamaaaa!" he welcomed me in his sing-song way.

"Shhshshshs! It's still night-night time, lay down and go to sleep!" I whispered at him and walked across to The Mans side of the bed where the dresser is to dig out some jammie shorts.

"What doing Mama?" Little Man questioned me.

"SSSHHHSH! I'm getting my pajama bottoms."

"Niiice." Little Man popped his thumb back in and nodded with his entire body vigorously.

"Yes, yes. It's very nice. You need to hush and go to sleep, mister."

"No0oo0o0o0... You hush Mama, you night night!"

"That's what I'm doing!" I told him and flipped the covers back on my side of the bed. He was cuddled up there in the center of my pillow. "Listen, buddy, you're going to have to scoot over and make room for Mama in there."

"I not scoot Mama."

"Ssshh!" I told him, and  "oh yes you will!" as I scooped and slid him over into the center of the bed. As soon as I crawled in he was on top of me, of course. We wrestled around for a long time, trying to get comfortable, and trying to settle him down. Finally I gave up the idea of personal comfort and he settled into my neck, slurping away at his thumb and quiet surrounded us.


"Man! Did you hear that?" I sat up and flapped my arms toward The Man in an attempt to rouse him. "Something just hit one of the windows, hard."

"Wha .. Huh?" He was out of the bed and moving swiftly out of the bedroom. I heard him make his way out to the sliding door on the back of the house. Then he came back toward and I saw him peeking through the blinds out toward our fence and on the other side of that the track. In moments he was flipping our bedroom light on and tossing shoes around in the bottom of our closet, fumbling in his hurry to shove his feet in his sneakers. I watched him in amazement.

"There's a kid standing out there."

"Out where!? In our yard or on the other side of the fence?"

"Over by the track."

"what are you doing? Should we call somebody?"

"No. I'm just going to go talk to him." he said

"Do you think maybe you need pants first?" I asked him as he managed to get his second foot in his shoe.  He shook his head, barely a glance toward me and headed out the front door in his boxer briefs and sneakers.

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