Thursday, August 21, 2008

Ladies Underpants

"Hey Bigd" I called her at about ten pm.

"Hey." she sounded distracted.

"What should I blog about?" I was afraid I was hitting another writer's block.

"I don't know." it was her usual response.

"What are you watching?" I could hear a program in the background behind her raucous laughter.

"there's this guy bothering Bikini Baristas," she was sputtering and guffawing about it.

"What/" I wondered what the heck a barista was.. Something to do with coffee.

"……..he came through the drive-thru wearing ladies underpants."

What!?" I could tell this might be really funny and I better figure out what she was talking about fast or the punch line would be lost on me.

"They threw boiling water on him."

"Why? What!?" I was starting to think I might have to go turn the tv on to get any answers.

"because he kept coming back."

"Wait. I don't get it. Bikini ladies? Where are they in the bikinis?"

"There's a couple places, I know one's in Salem, where it's a little coffee drive-thru shack and they serve the coffee in bikinis"

"Oh. Yuck."

"Yeah."  "So this guy kept driving thru wearing ladies underpants."

"They threw boiling water on him?"


"That's awful"

He kept coming back! And they tried to get his license plate but they couldn't because it had ladies underpants on it."

"Ahahahahahahhahahahaha!" this was important news and highly humorous. "So now it's on the news? We're supposed to keep an eye out for a man in ladies underpants? And we'll know it's him because he'll have ladies underpants on his license plates?" I was on a roll now laughing and talking fast. "I can totally see us being annoyed that they're serving coffee in their bikinis and sending The Man up there in ladies  underpants. And we'd say 'what about the license plates? Oh! Just cover them in more ladies underpants!"

"Ahahahahahahahahah!" she  laughed

"How did he pay for his coffee?" I continued loudly "with ladies underpants! Soon the news will have an update: crazy ladies underpants man has been spotted at a local bar… they tried to card him but his ID was wrapped………………… in ladies underpants!"

"Dew(ed) stop saying ladies underpants!"

"I can't it's too funny."

"Well. There's your blog."

"Do you think it's funny to anyone else?"

"Yes it's funny. It's ladies underpants."

"You're right."

"Post it for sbt."

"YES! It's perfect, very dark indeed." I agreed.

Lucky you guys, I googled and it gets better! I copied and pasted this from here

"Wash. -- A man dressed in woman's underwear and exposing himself drove up to a Parkland espresso stand three times before one of the baristas threw a cup of boiling water at him, said the Pierce County Sheriff's Office.

Jamae Feddock, a bikini clad barista at Java Girls, said she first thought the man dressed in women's underwear and exposing himself was a sick joke, until the man came back several times.The first time he came to the window Feddock said he was wearing a white bra and white panties and touching himself inappropriately.

Then he came back a second time.

"He has underwear over his face, he's wearing hot pink panties now and the underwear that he was wearing is over his face and there's a little peephole so he can see," Feddock said.

Feddock and another barista were working around 5 a.m. last Thursday when the incident happened. They tried to get a look at the man's license plate, but that too was covered up with women's underwear.

When the man came back a third time one of the baristas took a cup of scolding hot water and doused him with it.

"Kylie opened the door and threw boiling hot water on his face and his chest and he said oooh yeah," Feddock said.

Police agencies around Pierce County said they are seeing more and more incidents of indecent exposure -- as more coffee stands open -- many with women dressed provocatively -- or barely dressed at all.

"I don't think we can make a quid pro quo there that this is causing the effect, and they certainly don't deserve that behavior, but we do have some of these stands that have been victimized by these activities," said Det. Sgt. Jerry Bates a Pierce County Sheriff's Deputy.

Anyone with information should call the Pierce County Sheriff's Office."

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