Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Dew Unto Me

*Finished "Loving Frank" today. Ugh. I didn't love it. One of those books that uses real historical people as characters for no apparent reason and then inserts actual facts in like litter on the highway. Whatever. Latching on to the whole if it really happened it's good train I suppose. Makes me wanna start a weekly feature and write stuff and then let people guess if it was real or not and whether that makes it better or not. I would expect all of you to join and post links of course. Eh. I'll think about it.

*I have an ouchie on my forehead. A large gashy looking thing. The kind of wound that looks darker and darker as it heals, even though it was barely noticeable when it had just happened. You're wanting me to tell you what happened and you're right to want to hear it 'cause it's even funnier than you think just from pure stupidity. Okay, here goes. Tim and I were in our bedroom dinking around while he hung clothes and I put a hanger on my head like a hat to be funny. *sigh* There was a voice and wriggly body movements too. It wasn't that funny though and it hurt so I yanked the hanger off pretty quick but didn't really mention how much it bit me. The next day Tim spotted the red mark on my forehead and asked what it was from and I told him and asked if the hanger hat was funny enough, if it was worth my injury and he said "well at the time, no, but now it's quite funny."

*Yesterday while chopping vegetables and marinating steak and whatnot for dinner I was listening to Daria's Entertainment Report on 105.1 the buzz (The Daria, Mitch and Ted show is the only  reason and time of day to listen to that station) as usual. She told that story about Napoleon and his lover and how he had the perfumes made, one for him and one for her and had them designed so that together they created their own unique scent and that for 200 years they were the only people in the world to have experienced this scent blah blah blah. (Shhsshhsshhh don't tell anyone I like that story) Anyway, I had turned it way up and was completely riveted and sliced the tip of my finger at an angle Tim and I totally couldn't figure out. I think I did it right at the moment she was saying how he left her when she couldn't bear him an heir. Fucking asshole. True love my ass. Anyway, they're marketing that perfume now, the stuff left in the barrels from 200 years ago. More assholioness. There may have been ranting and large kitchen knife waiving.

*It's blustery outside, a let's go fly a kite kind of day with the sun shining down and the trees whipping around. I can't wait to get outside when Thatch gets up and the kids get home. A bit ago, I was lying out on the deck, smoking a cigarette the way I tend to do. Just enjoying the feel of the air in turmoil around me. I love the way the underside of the leaves on the trees are silver, the way they glint and wink as the leaves are flipped like a coins in a wishing well. Makes me wanna go hang out in the Gorge. I even started trolling the internet for houses again. It wouldn't be the end of the world… I mean it wouldn't have to be forever. It might be nice for now.

*I'm starting to plan out the summer. Two weeks away from the girls here all day. It's so difficult to balance what they need with what Thatch needs. I'll be heading over to the Learning Palace to get materials for keeping their minds busy next week. I need some math workbooks, and some rewards. I can make up the reading and writing myself. We'll do that stuff while Thatch naps. Probably have to buy a stroller so we can go exploring, I don't know if I can carry Thatch in the backpack anymohttp://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=6658133378546128686re. Sucks 'cause that's the best way to hike with anyone under five. Maybe I can train for it or something. Start wearing him around the house an hour a day or something.

*Our best friends are moving to North Carolina. *sigh* It's a disaster. We've known for a long time but I'm still in denial. There are only like forty days left and they're busy for a lot of that with vacations to the coast and selling their house and stuff. I don't have anything interesting to say about it. Just that it's a bummer and I may be shifting into pissed off about it.  I'm thinking of making a giant scrap project and including story like journaling. Might test some stuff on you guys in the next few weeks.

It's nearly time for the kids to get home, I better refuel.

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