Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sometimes the Period gets in the Middle of Every Sentence

I'm falling out of the habit of writing again…. Don't know why, maybe it's summer. In the interest of writing just to write..................

Sunday evening I was folding laundry with the tv chattering in the background. It suddenly occurred to me that chocolate would be good so I went to the secret drawer and pulled out my giant Hershey bar. I always have a giant Hershey bar hidden. I have to hide it from Tim, he's the real sweet tooth and will consume anything containing sugar in it, even an enormous chocolate bar that doesn't belong to him, within hours. Now me, I usually prefer salt to sweet but once in a while… if you catch my drift… I need some chocolate. I might let that chocolate bar sit for a month but when I want it, I want it right there waiting for me. We could do an entire personality analysis on this but let's move on. That Extreme Home Make over show came on the tube. I hate that show. HATE IT. It was their 100 episode special and they were doing montages. So, seeing as how I hate it (I'm nuts, right?) I plop my ass down on the only surface not covered in folded clothes and started gulping chocolate and watching the show. That lady came on, I've seen her used in promos for the show too. She says "This is just such a once in a lifetime dream come true… and we been dreamin' for a loooooong time." So you know, I did what any person would do, I cried til I nearly choked on my candy bar.

Here's something sorta related. I think my period is finally going back to normal. Since Thatcher is nearly two years old I'm thinking it's about fucking time. Such a relief to go back to three days after all that intermission nonsense. Even if it makes me sit on the couch and cry about people and their stupid dreams eating chocolate. You know what it is about that stupid ass show? That guy with the bullhorn. Fuckin' asshole. And the way they zoom in on tragedy and think it can be fixed with a new house and a gift card to sears. As if building fancy houses for one hundred families, exploiting them for all of our entertainment has really "made a difference" in the world. Goddamn I'd like to punch him in his "I'm so fuckin' white bread genuine heart felt eye stare" face. And what is with his "secret room" bullshit. Every fuckin' time it's a rec room with giant flowers on the wall, the only secret is why woman are supposedly hot for him. But really, all that has nothing to do with me being on my period. *snort* I'm actually not. It's over. Assuming intermission isn't just longer now. And if that's the case there will be a rant. Count on it.

I swear, I'll write something tonight. I will! I'm sure of it. Dry spells can't go on forever!

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