Monday, July 28, 2008

Are You Twins?

"Why do people always think that?" she wailed complainingly. We were walking back to my house after a trip to the store where the cashier had excitedly asked us if we were twins. "Sure, we look similar; I can totally see why people know we're related but we do not look like twins." She was right. It happened a lot more than seemed reasonable, and we had been hearing the question "are you twins?" as long as we could remember. It's harder on her to look like us because I did it first and she had to wear all the outfits twice, first in purple than in pink as they were handed down.

"It's kinda lame that it bothers you so much." I stated mischievously. "Obviously you think I'm ugly and don't want people to think you look like me."

"Nooooo!" she denied it. We stood at the crosswalk and waited for all the cars to drive on by (ignoring us standing there) before we made our way across the street.

"Yep. You think I'm hideous. If you thought I was extremely good looking you would be flattered to even be compared to me let alone told you were identical to me."

"No! That's not it. You're hot! We're both hot, of course." she gave me the comical serious face and we both grinned. "We're not identical, that's all." We shuffled along a little further, relaxed and silly in the light of the setting sun after a long hot day. "It's not like we're even dressed alike!" she added, still pissed off.

Our swift pace slowed as we eyed one another up and down, taking note of our clothing. We each had flip-flops on; mine brown and hers black. We were each wearing green fatigue style capris with a wife beater shaped tank top in two shades of dark colors and both of us had our hair pulled back in a loose knot pony tail.

"ahaahhahahahahaahahahahahah! We are dressed alike!" She howled. We were having difficulty walking at all by this time, we were so overcome with the hilarity of our alikeness. "Quit doing that!" we told each other as we unintentionally mimicked one another's movements.

"Remember when we tried to make an outgoing message on the answering machine," I gasped and squeaked, trying to talk around my hysterical laughing. "and when we played it back it sounded like the same person saying the entire message? Ahahaah like some crazy person trying to pretend to be two people!"

"ha ha ha, yes!" she hooted appreciatively. "And what about when mom called you thinking you were me and then complained about you - to you!?"

"Oh gawd that's too funny. Stop, I can't breath!" I begged her, as I bent over grabbing my stomach. "I'm serious! My face hurts!" I reprimanded, sending her into another tizzy. This instant access to childhood buttons is what "only" children miss out on. Finally we settled down. "You know…. We should really take advantage of this."

"What do you mean?" she asked, immediately skeptical.     Just like me.

"I say the next time anyone says anything about us looking like twins we leave the room and then come back in pretending we're trying to get away with switching places." I spoke with excitement.

"You mean switch clothes?" she asked already snickering a bit.

"Yes! But MORE! We switch clothes and try to act like each other, call each other by the others' name… the whole thing! They'll see how ridiculous it is and oh man will they feel stupid!"

"Yeah," she said sarcastically "They'll feel stupid…"

"What?! They will!!! We'll say 'see, see how stupid you are!'?" I chortled for awhile, satisfied with the upcoming fun we would have. "Oh man, I can't wait 'til someone says it again. What are we wearing tomorrow?"

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