Thursday, November 27, 2008

Flash Dancing and Cupboard Kissing


When you cruise by my profile so you can read the comments (oh come on - you know you do, that's why I had complaints when I hid them), you're going to hear my profile song. It's rousing. You're going to want to get up and flash dance.

Lord knows Little Man and I did.

Flash Dance: To pump ones legs up and down while swinging your arms in a running motion with fingers taut, together and outstretched. The faster the better. At some point the dancer finds a way to lean backwards on nearby objects imagining a splash of water being poured down on them from above.

Of course… Little Man and I improvise. We go where the music and hilarity take us.

This evening we were particularly pumped. I was baking and cleaning and sewing and nesting and periodically caressing the bird in the fridge wondering how the fuck I would know if it was thawing fast enough or if I should give it a Luke bath in the sink. I turned on the tunes to distract Little Man from clinging to my ankles. That's right; he's discovered the joy of being dragged around the kitchen monkey-stuck to my lower legs.

He particularly likes my current profile song; "Holding Out For a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler but we do this often. He initiated the flash dancing… and then we warped it into running back and forth from one end of the kitchen, grinning and high stomping with our arms pumping like maniacs as we passed one another in the middle, laughing as our socks slid on the turns.  Then he was running into my arms and I was swing dancing him before setting him back on his slippery feet to let him get distance only to do it again.

Then I remembered the way I used to jump over The Girls' heads when they were his age.  He was running toward me and I ran toward him our faces glowing with the joy of the moment and

 Up up up!

I went clear over his head. There may have been a few Footloose arm pumps mid-air. It would be logical that there would be.  I did get that moment.

And then BAM !

Adorable toddler head slammed full run into the cupboards just behind the place I had been standing moments before.


The Man came running from the living room to find me cradling screaming little man in my arms, he buried his face in my neck and it was minutes before I got to wince upon seeing the huge bruise on his cheek and forehead forming. "Were you playing Conquistador with him?" The Man laughed at my misery.

Isn't it strange how IMMEDIATELY the music changes after a moment like that? How it is suddenly so loud and banging and horrible?  Don't worry. That goes away. Little Man and I are already flash dancing to it again. He hasn't attempted to run into my arms again yet, though.

SO when you open up y profile and the seductive beats and rhythms of the music begin to make your muscles twitch with the desire for movement… take a moment. Clear the area. Make sure you're not going to injure anyone before you give in to it. And when you plan to jump into someone's arms make sure you have meaningful eye contact first.


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