Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let's Hang Out

"I keep thinking I could go out. Meet some guys at the pub or play pool somewhere or something." he started out. I rolled my eyes when he said "play pool". It's secret code for "strip club". To be fair, here in Portland it's tricky to go out and play pool without seeing naked ladies. And in case you're wondering. I don't give two fucks about naked ladies. It's the porn industry that bothers me. I'd rather he had an affair than support any part of THAT. He continued; "but really I just want to hang out with you. I wish we had a sitter."

"Yoooooou dooo noooooot. What are you trying to butter me up for? I told you, you should go out. I want you to."

"No! I do. I want to hang out with you!"

"WHAT?" we were both already snickering at the ridiculousness of the conversation. "How on earth would you know that? We don't hang out." and it's true. Not without the kids and the house and all that. THAT'S what we do. We do that shit really well. But hang out together? Just us? What would we do? What would we talk about?

"Well let's try it! Let's hang out!" By now I was literally on the floor hysterical. "You don't have to laugh so hard." he was a bit offended by now.

"SIX YEARS" I gasped, holding my tummy. "After SIX YEARS you think you might want to hang out with me."

"Almost seven." he said. "I'm slow." I managed to peal myself up off the floor and stand up in front of him.

"Alright. I'll try and figure out a sitter and we'll hang out. See what happens."

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