*Turns out I'm that Mom. Some mean kid from the freakishly good team of little soldier baseball players with the asshole coaches was blocking the baseline when Isabelle was on first. They did it every time to all our players forcing them to run in big circles around them, it was intentional. So I shout over to Isabelle "Just run him over!" she glances back at the dude that's like three times her size and looks back at me like Mom you're crazy and I add "Use yer elbows they're sharp." Bwahahahaaa! That'll teach him. So that kids mom heard me and tells him to move off the baseline. She might have glared at me. I didn't look to see.
*Last Friday was the final Parent Ass. Meeting of the year. YAY! So the good news is, as soon as I type up the minutes and send them out, my duties as Secretary are pretty much over. Double YAY! The bad news is they elected me President for next year. Bo0O0oo! I have serious issues saying no. I just couldn't come up with a decent reason. They were chanting a little bit and the chorus of "but you would be so good at it" was over whelming. Pishaw. I could be good at anything. Doesn't mean I wanna do it! Jeezus. Clearly these people have no idea who I am. Well, they know about the sucker part.
*I hate Tim's new job. He loves it. He says he hates it but he loves that too. He's no longer hourly. That means they don't pay for his time. That means he works 24/7. That means I miss field trips and shit. See, me I can take money or leave it. Tim wants to be a millionaire. *sigh* It's his passion. Work. What a weirdo. But, that's him so I support it. Not without complaint, but I do support his dreams. Even if his dream is to work. Eh. The thing that really bothers me is that he likes to pretend he's doing it for us.
*People are full of shit. That's well known I suppose but continues to astound me. Like Tim, wanting to work all the time but also wanting to pretend it's for us. Reminds me, a few years ago he would joke a lot about never getting laid. In front of people. Not because he actually never got laid but because all the guys like to joke about not getting laid. So finally I called him on it. He didn't even know he was doing it. Or other moms/wives/women always going on and on about their husbands/baby daddy's not doing their fair share in the house. They love it!! LOVE it. They love to complain about it, they love the martyrdom. Such a fuckin' bore.
*I hate hearing women say "I'll see if my husband can baby-sit" WTF? You can't baby sit your own freakin' kids. It's not the guys perpetuating this stereotype either, it's the women. The truth is, you think your husband can't do it, you treat him like he can't do it and guess what, that means he can't do it. Get over yourself and let them be a real parent to their kids. Do it for your kids, for him and for you. And most of all do it for me cause I'm tired of hearing yer shit.
*I haven't been doing the yard like I usually do. Just been doing the bare minimum. No planting, no seeding, no weeding, no coffee grounds. It looks like shit. AND for some strange reason the only perennials that have survived are all purple. It's like some purple freak lives here. Some weedy purple lover. Not that I don't like purple. I do. Just funny that it's all that's left. I better get on it. August wouldn't be the same without giant sun flowers towering over us.
*Thatcher is using sentence fragments. It's adorable. His favorite is "Made a mess". He gets a lot of use out of it. All day long. I should try and catch it on video for you guys. So cute. Almost worth the mess.
*I'm working on a couple a crap projects. (crap is Tim's little pet name for my scrappin' and craftin' shenanigans) I'll try and remember to post some pics when I finish 'em before I give them away.
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