Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Some Thoughts and a Dew Over

Something happened to my blog.

Real people infiltrated. People who see me. See through me.
Much as I claim I hate to NOT be seen I'm actually full of shit.

Don't look at me! Don't touch me! And also Fuck you!


It's like I've had my skin peeled off and now it won't go back on right.

I'm in a funk. All clusterfucky and complicated. I want simple. Except I don't. I just don't have any answers and I'm worn out.

I want the days to stop slipping by so fast.
I want everything to change. And stay the same.

I know I hafta shake it off. I know the dust will settle and find it's way back into all the cracks.
I hate that too.

Don't patronize me with helpful kind comments!

I'm fine.


In other news…. Everyone around here is buzzing about the weather forecast. Apparently this weekend is going to be spectacular.  Reminded me of a post from last year about this time. So here ya go, another Dew Over.

Please Recycle Your Plastic Ponchos Portland

Here in P-town we're having our annual spring tease. Every year around this time the weather gets fantastic for about two weeks. I'm not talking about a seventy degree spring day. I'm talking about real summer weather. You go to bed after another cloudy with more than a chance of rain day and wake up in August. It's thrilling to say the least and it very much goes to our heads.
We emerge from our rain beaten homes, throw off our plastic ponchos and bare our pale, pale, legs without shame. We drive with abandon, letting one arm hang out the window, the better to catch every last vitamin d soaked ray shining down at us and drivers tan is common.
The streets are crowded with pedestrians and it's quite a spectacle. The ladies are in sundresses, short shorts and sandals. The skateboarders climb out from under their bridges and glide through neighborhoods drinking giant fountain sodas. Speeding bicycles carry everyone from young mom's with their children riding tandem to professionals with their work shoes in their backpack. Toddlers sit blinking in their strollers, it's quite possible this is their first sun experience and despite the terrible hat tied to their head they love it too.
Children become unruly and their parents relish making use of the almost forgotten phrase "Go play outside!" without having to search for rubber boots and tiny umbrellas shaped like lady bugs. Instead we rummage in the medicine cabinet for sunscreen and wonder if it's even any good by now.
Those of us folly enough to own a convertible or motorcycle in the rain forest, by golly we're on or in it for the duration of the cloud break. You could play connect the dots from a helicopter just using the balding heads in little convertible sports cars and on idling crotch rockets.
With the radio turned up and huge goofy grins on our faces we sit in the traffic beaming at one another. Everyone has something in the back of their automobile. A plastic kiddy pool, a new cooler and beers ready to go on ice, a household project or even plants waiting to be put in the ground at their new home.
There's a feeling in the air that finally things are starting to go our way. That by gawd we deserve this! We have earned it! We go camping, we rock climb, we drive to the beach, we bbq, we jump in the river. We milk every goddamn moment.
No one mentions what's going to happen when the clouds roll back in, as they always do, just in time for our Rose Festival. Everyone wants to forget that we end up watching the Grand Floral Parade from underneath a tarp every year. That the cloud cover is so bad on Fourth of July, your front yard ends up with the air quality of a seedy bar.
That's just how we roll in P-town. In the moment, by the seat of our pants and as many a trashy bumpersticker on our cars will tell you we like to "Keep Portland WEIRD". 
I wonder, are we really so weird? Is this happening all over the country, the world?  Does everyone have spring fever where you are?

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