Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dew Be Random

WHEN is the last time we had some random Dew(ed)???? I KNOW, too long right?
Oh shut-up let's pretend writer's block is cool, okay?

So. I'm moving. That's the good news. Why? Why would I moooove?

-I suck at home school. I suck at home school because it's difficult to concentrate on spelling tests when fantasizing about dropping my kids off at school. Look! Look at them with their backpacks and how sweet is that note from mom in the lunch box? Yeah. So sweet.

-I suck at home school because even when it's fantastic.. It's not. Like today. We had an engrossing  history lesson about Giatto. We were on our way back in the house, Lil' Dew in the lead and Niece is saying "I really liked that history lesson Aunt Bear" and then Lil Dew is shouting "MOOOOM! Little Man is on the counter top stealing cookies off the fridge!! Yeah. So that's why he didn't bug us.

-I suck at home school because I'm a nazi. Seriously. I can't fucking stop myself. MORE MORE MORE! BETTER BETTER BETTER!! FASTER FASTER FASTER!!! Jeezus I'm difficult to live with. Oh sure. Make a joke about my sex life. I dare you. *on the edge*

So. I'm moving. That's the bad news. Why? Why would I moooove?

-Sweet mother of mercy I have to pack. All this shit! All the crap that's been stacking up in drawers and cupboards and closets and EVERYWHERE since Little Man was born. Yes I blame Little Man. I'm not kidding. It's the number three. Don't have three kids. And if your niece is over more hours than not that counts as your second kid so don't think you can slide just one more baby into the mix without serious consequences! The fact that one of those consequences is unending ADORABLENESS is neither here nor there.

Hmmmm thought there might be more bad but I gots nothing. And really packing kicks ocd ass. Everyone knows that. SO yeah. All good. I'm going to get rid of all kinds of crap. I LOVE a fresh start. I do. It's soul cleansing.

I'm moving. A week from Friday.


Yeah. That's how The Man and I operate. He states something crazy that I want nothing to do with. (moving to the boonies) and then I mull for a year. Then I research. Find the closest boonies with fanfuckingtastic school district and say "okay, this is where we'll do that." and then he mulls. And then one day five or so years later we look up houses on the internet, like the first one we see, go see it the next afternoon, apply, get approved and BAM! It's crazy boony dream time.

Of course… this changes NOTHING for you guys. Because OF COURSE I made sure that even though it's the mofo BOONIES I will continue to have high speed internet access. There's no way in hell I'd go back to dial up. (sorry IN-FIN-COCK, it's just the truth)

So. You have any boxes?

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